Between Coffee Breaks

Wednesday, July 26, 2006


The record for the most consecutive vowels
In a word is seven, "aiiieee,"
The sound of someone falling off a building.
(It is sometimes spelled "aaiieee.")

Down Under..

Sly man and gang in Australia..

Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Cancer 4th Stage..

I can't picture myself grieving(or maybe i choose not to), even for someone i've known

I find that a bit scary..

I've never been to a funeral,
the closest was burrying my pup Sarah [ i was 9]
It still remains one of the clearest memories i have
time of death, situation, lighting, and shovel
But i can't recall how i felt when it happened
i was devastated according to my mom..
i can picture that, but i can't feel it.

I've never really looked back at that moment
but the more i think about it now
the more i feel that on some subconsious level
i remain dettached.

- They haven't told her yet.. I would have rather not known..

- I will see her when she comes.

Still Waters

Not so deep after all...

Monday, July 24, 2006

Something Real

The tree most honest words i've heard

'I Don't Know'

Messages In Music

The hardest part is not finding who we need to be,
but being content with who we are..

Breaking the stereotype..
Becomes the stereotype..

Stating the obvious

Fading Out forgetting who we used to be..

Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Canadian Medicals

Pee'd in a cup..

Nevertheless i flushed..

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