Between Coffee Breaks

Thursday, December 28, 2006

And the moment of the year goes to

(Left, Zindane levels Materazzi)
FIFA world Cup 06
Congratulations Zizu.

Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Saddam hussein:

Evil incarnation of the Mario Brothers, also goes by the name "Wario"
has been known to terrorize the country of Iraq
and the Mushroom Kingdom, resides in Bagdhad, Tikrit,
Drain Pipes, and The cloud level.

Saddam and Mario look like the same guy..

- (Urban Dictionary)

Friday, December 15, 2006

Stop. Drop and roll.. :)

She always prepared her christmas goodies
with a hint of 'danger' and 'beware',
and smiled an assassins smile, while handing them out.

Trigger happy/oldman/ride-a-scooter-grump/..

..and he honked, 11 times in rhythmic progression,
just in case i din't acknowledge the first 21.

Tuesday, December 12, 2006

In shit

..rolling his eyes heaven ward, seeking divine aid.

None came.

He was trying to be jovial, i pitied him immensely.

Your lost.
When you forget whats important to you.

Thursday, December 07, 2006

follow the monkey

You can't finding nothing at all, if there was nothing there all along.

Monday, December 04, 2006

Mundane Monday..

It was a nice evening, cold,
twilighted with drunk old men, wifes in toe.
I sat fascinated at the food however.
Mountains of steaming rice
had become a sudden fixation.
We sat on the roof whiling away our time;
most of which was spent
trying to touch our tongues to our noses,
which gave us a temporary sense of accomplishment.

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